Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Nicky Dillerstone

Our November meeting was very well attended and the speaker was Nicky Dillerstone.
She delivered an amusing, animated talk about her wide ranging work and what inspires her.
I would recommend if you have the opportunity to work with her or attend one of her workshops then you go.  I'm sure you'd have a great time.

 These first two pieces are hung outside in Nicky's garden all year round and were inspired by a old (uninhabited) wasps nest.  They were really interesting structures.

 These next two photos show small books that Nicky has worked on - they were exquisite.

 And these dolls were stunning - small and beautifully formed.  I was particularly delighted by the dolls in the geisha shoe boxes. Really beautifully made, all with different expressions.
Nicky described how she uses a range of tins and containers - sardine and anchovy tins as much of her work is in a container.
She spoke about how she loves making, loves to play and loves thread and fabric - something I think we can all relate to.
A really enjoyable meeting.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

November Meeting - Nicky Dillerstone

Nicky began her working life as a designer and producer of knitwear.  She studied for her Arts degree as a mature student and went into work with community arts which had a considerable impact on her creative work.  She is a textile artists creating usable wearables, fabric jewellery, atmospheric altered books, boxes and wall based artwork.  Fabric and threads are the core to all that she does and each piece is an individual piece of artwork.

Isobel Hall - Workshop

Our group had the opportunity to attend a workshop delivered by Isobel Hall.
Isobel is a mixed media artists who has published a range of books.
Due to demand the workshop was run on both Saturday and Sunday. 

The class combined both machine and hand stitching.  Here is where we got to by the end of the day, I'm sure you'll see the finished articles at our exhibition next year.

Karen Parry from John James - Needle Know How

Karen Parry from John James delivered our October talk on Needle Know How. 
 Karen gave our group an insight into the John James company and how it has developed over its long history.
She explained and gave us all a handout describing the range of needles and their uses, which I think we all learnt something from.  She also gave us a useful reminder of why we need to change them regularly.

We then all had the opportunity to buy from the extensive John James range - something I think most of us took advantage of.

Saturday, 2 November 2013

About our group

Hello.  Welcome to the Lutterworth Embroiderers Guild Blog.
This is a new venture for us and we'll be sharing our groups activities with you.

We are a friendly group of like minded individuals interested in textile art in all its forms with a very full and varied programme to suit everyone.

Branch Meetings are held at Wycliffe Memorial Church, Bitteswell Road, Lutterworth, 

LE17 4EL on the fourth Thursday on the month at 7.15 pm for a 7.30 start.
We also run workshops and sewing days from a variety of locations thought the year.

Programme & Events for 2014

Branch Meetings:

23rd January – Ruth Singer
“My Work”

20th February – Nicola Jarvis
“Her Father’s Daughter”

27th March – Eliza McClelland
“To Bead or not to Bead”

24th April – Ingrid Karlsson-Kemp
“Stitching & Story Telling”

22nd May – Diane Gaffney
“Along the Silk Route

26th June
Members Meeting

24th July – Annual BBQ

28th August – Yvonne Brown
“Threads of Life”

25th September – Branch AGM

23rd October – Pauline Broomfield
“Origin & Beyond”

27th November – Yvonne Bell
“Silk for Sundays”

11th December Christmas Social